Why did samuel morse invent the telegraph
When did samuel morse die!
In July of 1505, a young law student named Martin Luther found himself in a horrific thunderstorm. Having closely avoided being struck by lightening and fearing he was going to die, he made an impulsive vow, “Save me, St.
Anna, and I shall become a monk.” St. Anna was, according to church tradition the mother of the Virgin Mary.
Where was samuel morse born
What no one knew, Martin included, was that God's providential hand was guiding not only the weather on that fateful night but also the seemingly impulsive promise of the young lawyer. On July 17th Luther entered the Augustinian monastery at Erfurt.
This is not to say that the decision to enter the monastery was an easy one. Martin knew he would be disappointing his parents who were dominant figures in his life. But Luther's determination to keep his promise was an indication of the kind of tenacity that would characterize his life as a theologian and churchman.
It is probably true that part of what motivated Martin to enter the monastery was the hauntin