Laurie anderson born never asked
Laurie anderson music.
Born, Never Asked
It was a large room (the world) Full of people. All kinds.
Laurie anderson from the air
(Isn't the world?)
And they had all arrived at the same buidling at more or less the same time. (We are all here in the here-and-now, are we not? Or looked at another way, look at the people around you in the world - as long as you are all alive together, you are existing together in one big moment, no matter how young or old you are.
The only ones who aren't are either not born yet, or dead.)
And they were all free. (Everyone is free - to a certain extent. Free to live, free to die, free to make choices.
Includes unlimited streaming via the Bandcamp app, plus download in mp3, FLAC and more · Download.Perhaps those choices can be limited, and perhaps those choies may have repercussions and consequences, but we are free to make them.)
And they were all asking themselves the same question: What is behind that curtain?
(Where do we come from? Where do we go? Why are we here? These are the big questions people ask once they think outside the box of social conditioning. Are we here to work in a che