Eric weisstein world of biography archimedes

          "Nōlī turbāre circulōs meōs!" is a Latin phrase, meaning "Do not disturb my circles!".

          Greek mathematician who flourished in Sicily..

          Eric W. Weisstein

          American mathematician and encyclopedist (born )

          Not to be confused with Eric Weinstein.

          Eric Wolfgang Weisstein (born March 18, ) is an American scientist, mathematician, and encyclopedist who created and maintains the encyclopedias MathWorld and ScienceWorld.

          In addition, he is the author of the CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics. He works for Wolfram Research.


          Weisstein holds a Ph.D.

          A screw-like device which can be used to raise water from a lower level to a higher one by turning a handle.

        1. Arranged alphabetically or by discipline, this set developed by Eric Weisstein presents brief biographies of famous scientists from antiquity to.
        2. Greek mathematician who flourished in Sicily.
        3. Archimedes of Syracuse (c.
        4. The Dictionary of Scientific Biography, edited by Charles Coulston.
        5. in planetaryastronomy, which he obtained from the California Institute of Technology's Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences in as well as an M.S. in planetary astronomy in also from Caltech. Weisstein graduated cum laude from Cornell University with a B.A.

          in physics and a minor in astronomy in During his summers away from Cornell, Weisstein participated in research at the Arecibo Observatory, a radio telescope facility in Puerto Rico operated by Cornell. As a graduate student, Weisstein also participated in research at Goddard Space Flight