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davidji's Blog
For the past year, I’ve received many requests to host LIVE teleseminars.
As you probably know, I spend a lot of time on the road fulfilling my mission to take meditation to the masses and that has made it challenging to incorporate a LIVE! teleseminar format into my life. But I’ve carved out some time over the next couple of months in between my private corporate trainings, the Deeper Still advanced Teacher Training & our annual pilgrimage to the Mexican Riviera in Maya Tulum.
I’m really excited to launch this new process & since this is brand new to me, I will do my best, but I will so appreciate your feedback and insights on how to make this the finest LIVE! teleseminar possible.
[Tweet “Yogastha kuru karmani-establish yourself in the present moment, then perform action destressifying.com”]
It’s been a busy few months for me – filled with the release of destressifying, the simultaneous launch of Zonder Stress in the Netherlands,