Sergo beria biography

          It is a very good book to get know secrets about Stalin inner circle..

          The late Sergo Beria grew up as first among the Kremlinrsquo;s elite where a deceptively jovial calm papered over total violence.

        1. Sergo Beria grew up among the Kremlin's elite and has first hand knowledge of the key players in of history's most totalitarian and criminal regimes, one of.
        2. It is a very good book to get know secrets about Stalin inner circle.
        3. In this compelling book, Beria's son draws on many political and personal events to portray his father, and explain the incomprehensible loyalty that Stalin.
        4. PERSONAL: Born , in Republic of Georgia; died ; son of Lavrenti and Nina Beria.
        5. Beria, Sergo

          PERSONAL: Born , in Republic of Georgia; died ; son of Lavrenti and Nina Beria.

          CAREER: Writer.


          Moi Otets, Lavrentii Beriia, Sovremennik (Moscow, Russia),

          Beria, My Father: Life inside Stalin's Kremlin, translated by Brian Pearce, Duckworth (London, England),

          SIDELIGHTS: Sergo Beria spent much of his adult life in exile.

          He was the son of Lavrenti Beria, described by Mathew Campbell of the London Sunday Times as "the sinister chief of the Soviet secret police" during the years of Josef Stalin's reign. After his father was murdered, Beria and his mother were imprisoned and later sent to Kiev, forced to change their names and to live under close surveillance by the KGB.

          Although Campbell quoted Beria as stating that he got "quite worked up" when he thought about all the troubles that his family endured, it was his father's reputation as a mass murderer and rapist that disturbed him the most.

          In an attempt to clear his father's name, h