Blue collar apologetics john martignoni video

          A manual of how to explain the faith to others, one of its all-important teaching is what John calls Ignorant Catholic Strategy: be willing.

        1. A manual of how to explain the faith to others, one of its all-important teaching is what John calls Ignorant Catholic Strategy: be willing.
        2. Patrick Campbell interviews John Martignoni, Founder/President; Bible Christian Society; an apologetics and evangelization apostolate that.
        3. John Martignoni demonstrates how Catholics can correct non-Catholic Christians who deny the authority of the pope and the church founded by Jesus Christ.
        4. John Martignoni, President of the Bible Christian.
        5. John Martignoni, President of the Bible Christian Society, shares his no-nonsense, fool-proof methods for defending the Catholic faith - it's apologetics for.
        6. John Martignoni demonstrates how Catholics can correct non-Catholic Christians who deny the authority of the pope and the church founded by Jesus Christ....

          This course is an introduction to practical apologetics to help you better explain and defend Catholic teaching.

          Drawing on 25 years of experience in dialoguing and debating with thousands of non-Catholics, Mr. Martignoni will teach you how to answer specific objections as well as general strategies to use when posed with challenges to your Catholic faith.

          Instructor Access (optional grading support) for Unlimited Access families is available for this course!

          How to get the most out of Blue Collar Apologetics with John Martignoni, MBA:

          • Read and/or listen to the assignments for the class before watching each class video.

          • Note: When an assignment for a class includes reading "class notes" - these will be found in the video of that class.

          Total Classes: 12 + 1 bonus class

          Duration: 55 minutes

          Prerequisite: None

          Suggested Grade Level: High school and up

          Suggested Credit: One full semester Apologetics or Theology.

          Instructor:John Marti